Books & Reference


A fost rezolvat un bug minor care ţinea utilizatorul într-o buclă continuă în ecranul de autentificare după ce acesta schimba parola.


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EVS Cloud crează oportunitatea de a avea la dispoziție un spațiu propriu de lectura, îmbogățit cu numeroase resurse prin care descoperi titlurile editurii tale preferate.

Aplicația oferă opțiuni de interacțiune cu textul, căutare dinamică în conținut, modificare dimensiune text, adăugarea de notițe personale, evidențiere paragrafe si semn de carte.

Conținutul aplicației este îmbogățit în mod constant cu noi titluri de carte.

Platforma poate fi accesată și pe web

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Beautiful Surah Insan (Dahr) application for Daily recitation.
This Surah is also called Dahr. It was revealed in Makkah and it has 31 ayaat. It is narrated from the Holy Prophet (Sal Allaho Alehi Wasallam) that the reward for reciting this Surah is Jannah and its bounties.If a person recites this Surah, especially on Thursday mornings, he will be rewarded with a hundred houries and four thousand slaves in Jannah and he will be given a place close to that of the Holy Prophet (S). Reciting it during war brings victory. Drinking water in which this Surah has been dissolved is good for those with heart problems.
Candil - Maca Dina Digital Library
CANDILCandil (Maca Dina Digital Library) is a digital library application owned by the West Java Provincial Library and Archives Service, which contains thousands of electronic books that can be read by users.The books available in Candil are very diverse, there are more than 700 titles / 1500 copies of books from various publishers / authors from all over Indonesia, especially West Java.
Sainte Bible-Read the Sainte holy bible orderly with Chapters, and Verses
Concluding the Lord's words in the Old and New Testament in the Holy Scriptures that one can share with friends and relatives and listen to get good habits in life. Over the reading, if you don't know a word's meaning, no worries; theLa Sainte Bible en Francais consists of a dictionary where one can get the same sense of the sentence.There is always a pocket version of the Lord's wordings in the name of La Sainte Bible en Francais Apps that showcase one's proper path by enlightening their mind and heart with pure soul. The Psalm of God becomes part of daily life with Sainte Bible reading at least one Verse a day can bring a vibrant change in your life. Sainte Bible marks only a limited data packet connectivity to operate on displaying the wallpaper, highlighting videos of God's advice, and so on in the list.Overall, the functions are easy to operate on Oly bible's La Sainte Bible en Francais Bible app, both online and offline (with some options disabled). Everything we discussed is in the palm of one's..
Kurdish offline dictionary nearly 475.000 articles of more than 260 languages
Offline Kurdish dictionary based on Wîkîferheng, Kurdish Wiktionary version. With Kurdish definition of nearly 475.000 articles of more than 260 languages it is far and away the biggest Kurdish dictionary. There is Latin and Arabic Keyboard option, and option for reading articles in Kurdish Latin and Arabic alphabet. Its database from time to time will be synchronized with Wîkîferheng database.
Read The Holy Bible King James Version on your mobile device
La Bible en Français Louis Segond est une application gratuite qui vous permet de naviguer à travers toute la sagesse de la Bible en seulement quelques clicks et sans besoin d'une connection internet.- La Bible Sacrée en Français, Louis Segond- Sur la page principale vous pouvez lire des versets au hasard ou continuer votre dernière lecture- Lisez tous les livres de l'Ancien et du Nouveau Testament- Partager, envoyer, enregistrer de belles photos de versets.- Sauvegardez des notes illimitées sur vos versets préférés- La Bible Sacrée possède un design moderne et intuitif pour vous offrir un expérience utilisateur optimale- Vous pouvez aussi aider à faire passer le mot du Seigneur et partager cette application avec vos amis et vos proches.Cette application contient la version Louis Segond 1910 de la Bible.
Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.📚📙
Ready to make this year your best yet?Then you’re in the right place.Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.– George Bernard ShawThere’s nothing like starting the New Year off by front-loading a ton of momentum to get your year started in the right direction. That’s where the idea of the thirty-day growth challenge comes from.📚📙 By no means do you have to do everything below, it’s more of a framework, but if you use it as a guide and apply yourself to completing it, you have the ability to generate a huge amount of momentum towards your goals this year.📚📙Also, keep in mind that perfection is pretty much impossible. Things will come up and there will be days where you just can’t make that day’s objective happen. That’s okay, I’d shoot for an eighty percent completion rate. If you can do that, you’re off to a great start for the year.📚📙I’ve included some “free” days partly for that reason, so you can use them to make up for missed objectives. However, it’s also important to go occasionally..
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Read and listen to the Word of God in Shilluk on your Android devices!
Shilluk Bible Read, listen and meditate on the Word of God in Shilluk using our free Bible app. It is easy for you to download and use, at no cost to you. Features: ✔ Download Audio Bible (New Testament) in Shilluk for FREE, no ads!✔ Read the text and listen to the audio as each verse is highlighted when the audio plays.✔ Bookmark and highlight your favorite verses, add notes and search for words in your Bible.✔ Verse of the Day & Daily ReminderYou can turn this function on or off and adjust the notification time in the app settings. You can also listen to the verse of the day, or create a Bible verse wallpaper by clicking on the notification.✔ Bible Verse Wallpaper CreatorYou can create beautiful wallpapers with your favorite Bible verses on attractive photo backgrounds and other customization options, then share them with your friends and on social media.✔ Swipe to navigate chapters.✔ Night Mode for reading during when dark (good for your eyes)✔ Click and share Bible verses with your friends via Whatsapp, Facebook, E-mail, SMS..
The richness of the Word of God on your mobile!
Nous vous offrons une application qui vous permettra de télécharger la Bible sur votre téléphone ou tablette Android. Profitez maintenant de la Parole de Dieu gratuitement sur votre téléphone!Pour un chrétien, il est extrêmement important de lire la Bible. C’est une façon de se sentir plus près de Dieu.Nous vous proposons de lire et méditer la Bible, le message éternel de Dieu. Lire la Bible vous apportera la paix, vous aidera à répondre aux questions que vous vous posez tous les jours.Essayez d'ouvrir la Bible au hasard et de tomber sur un passage qui sûrement va vous surprendre.La Bible est la Parole de Dieu, au travers d'elle, Dieu vous parle personnellement.La parole du Seigneur nous fait sentir vraiment spéciales et uniques.Téléchargez notre application qui contient la Bible complète avec l’ancien et le Nouveau Testament.L’Ancien Testament a été écrit en hébreu et araméen et comporte 39 livres: Genèse, Exode, Lévitique, Nombres, Deutéronome, Josué, Juges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Rois, 2 Rois, 1 Chroniques, 2 Chroniques, Esdras, Néhémie, Esther, Job, Psaumes, Proverbes, Ecclésiaste, Cantique des Cantiques, Ésaïe, Jérémie, Lamentations, Ézéchiel,..
Contains guidance perform Hajj And Umrah, Hajj rituals, may be useful
Aplikasi ini merupakan sebuah aplikasi berbasis OFFLINE, sehingga dapat digunakan tanpa adanya koneksi internet, yang berisi tentang panduan melakukan ibadah haji dan ibadah umroh :- Manasik Umroh- Mandi Besar- Berangkat Menuju Miqat- Sholat Sunnah & Larangan Ihram- Perjalanan Menuju Mekah- Melakukan Thawaf- Sholat Dimakan Nabi Ibrahim- Meminum Air Zam-zam- Persiapan & Melakukan Sa'i- Do'a Ketika Sa'i- Tahalil atau Mencukur Rambutsemoga bermanfaat. aminn. mohon kirimkan kritik dan saran keapda kami secara langsung melalui email di :
Because we know how important the Bible is, we have brought it closer to you.
MyBible is an application through which we want to bring the Bible closer to young people and thus make Bible study attractive, being easier to follow.MyBible's vision is to promote Bible reading and study among young people by providing them with the quick and useful tools they need. We want to show all young people that the same words, written many years ago, can be just as relevant and current today. Now, however, everything is easier to access. Because the Bible deserves the best, we have prepared a website (, but also an application for mobile phones and tablets, through which young people can be closer to the Bible, no matter where they are or what activity is carried out.Read and Listen:The MyBible website and application offer you the opportunity to read several versions of the Bible, both in Romanian and in other languages. The versions can also be read in parallel and can be studied using the tools provided by MyBible. We also offer you, for free, the Audio Bible produced by Radio Voice of Hope, recited by the..
EVS Cloud creates the opportunity to have a reading space wherever you are
EVS Cloud crează oportunitatea de a avea la dispoziție un spațiu propriu de lectura, îmbogățit cu numeroase resurse prin care descoperi titlurile editurii tale preferate.Aplicația oferă opțiuni de interacțiune cu textul, căutare dinamică în conținut, modificare dimensiune text, adăugarea de notițe personale, evidențiere paragrafe si semn de carte.Conținutul aplicației este îmbogățit în mod constant cu noi titluri de carte.Platforma poate fi accesată și pe web


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Wish u had english version or other languages not everyone is Romanian.