

【图】G20 TV(截图1)【图】G20 TV(截图2)【图】G20 TV(截图3)


Open TV without bureaucracy, using your internet. Contact your provider and ask for your username and password.

– Application for SET-TOP BOX devices and TV’s with Android or Android TV operating system.
– This app starts in landscape mode to better adapt to Smart TVs.
– The application provides the convenience of remote control.


Movie Downloader app for all torrent movie downloader and hd movie downloader.
Movie Downloader YTS Torrent is a feature-rich app designed to provide you with a seamless and convenient way to download your favorite movies from the popular YTS torrent website. Using this all torrent movie downloader and Fast torrent downloader movie, Movie downloader app torrent user-friendly interface and powerful functionality, this movie downloader app allows you to access a vast library of movies and download hd movies directly to your device for offline viewing. It is no 1 movie downloader app for All torrent movie downloader and free full movies app for full movie downloader.This movie downloader app has huge collection of movies for hd movie download for All movies.It is a torrent movie downloader app & All torrent movie downloader which allows you to movie downloader free full movies app offline. This all torrent movie downloader is a movies hub for full movie downloader & Movie downloader for Hd movie 2023 download and movie downloader free.Movie downloader free app allows you to download movie downloader free full movies.Let’s see the features of our movie downloader app.Features:Fast and Reliable Downloads: Enjoy..
An app for showing Amharic Ababaloch from the internet
An app for showing Amharic Ababaloch from the internet
Short sfm animated funny moment videos on trending gameplays stories.
Funny Noob Lover 1.0 Series videos. More Series coming, where noob player creates unexpected funny moments in the game(fictional). These series videos are our creation in sfm animation videos on trending gameplays and cartoon characters. Videos sfm animation characters and maps credits goes to respective owners(thanks). Stories in the videos are mainly on famous trending gameplays like pubg. If you like give the App good star rating and share the app.
Pompette allows you to have a good party !
Pompette is a game that can be played with 2 or more players.Write down the names of the participants and Pompette will take care of everything to make you have a good evening.A fun application to accompany you in your parties and get memorable aperitifs!Several game modes are available with card games or challenges to spice up the evening.Pompette, the Alcohol 2.0 game is just waiting for you, so fill up your glasses and let's go!!!Totally free application no paying mode ! No more hesitation, just fill up the glass and start playing 🍾
Used with the MGP Smartphone Interface to program MGP stationary decoders.
This app is connected to a Model Railway through a Bluetooth interface and can then ask Used to program LocoNet stationary decoders Such as switching and signal decoders.Currently supported decoders are decoders from the MGP and some from the CML.The app includes tools to test and smiled LocoNet traffic. These tools Will Be extended in coming releases.The app Supports decoders That are programmed of according to "EN Programming Message Formats Version 13". Each decoder thatshould ask programmed HAS to be described to the app. Contact the MGP to get the current status of Already supported decoders.End users can add support for unsupported decoder.The smartphone interface Can Be Found at MGP homepage,
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This App has Funny WhatsApp Stickers related to Carryminati And Big YouTubers.
Best Carryminati And More Youtubers Funny Stickers For WhatsApp.Need New Funny And Latest Stickers For WhatsApp ? Yes ! We have A Big Collection of Carryminati Sticker.Latest Unlimited Funny Stickers in This App.Tutorial to use Carryminati WhatsApp Stickers App :Step 1. Install and open the appStep 2. Select the Stickers packStep 3. Tap on ADD to WhatsAppStep 4. Open WhatsApp and go to a chatStep 5. Tap on the Emoji icon,You will see a new sticker icon at the bottom. Click that emoji and is Carryminati WAStickerApps This app also known as Stickers for Signal and Stickers for Telegram.Enjoy these Carryminati stickers app and share / Transfer them with your friend / bestfriend. Download This Carryminati Sticker For WhatsApp is Free. also known as Carryminati Stickers for Signal and Carryminati Stickers for Telegram.There are many WhatsApp stickers in this app Like- Carryminati Stickers - Round2hell Stickers- Amit Bhadana Stickers- Ashish Chanchlani Stickers- Elvish Yadav Stickers- Amir Siddiqui Stickers- Harsh Beniwal Stickers- Triggered Insaan Stickers- Mythpat Stickers- Tanmay Bhat Stickers- Hindustani Bhau Stickers- BB ki Vines Stickers.This Stickers for entertainment only...
ラブちゃんの愛称で芸能界や占い界隈も引っ張りだこのLove Me Do。 あなたの恋愛や結婚、様々な悩みに対してその場で占って貰っているかの様な本格鑑定を再現。
龍神の背中に乗れば凄まじい速さで物事が進み、今まで到達できなかった願望への道筋が照らされます。本鑑定では、あなたやあの人を支配し加護する龍神を呼び覚まし今まで動かなかった状況を覆し、導いていきます。「ラブちゃん」の愛称で芸能界、そして占い界隈も引っ張りだこの「Love Me Do」。本アプリは、あなたの恋愛や結婚、人生や仕事など様々な具体的な悩みに対して、その場で占って貰っているかの様な本格鑑定を再現しました。より詳細な内容をお届けする、プレミアム鑑定も100種類以上ご用意。Love Me Doの本格占いが、お手元で体験できます。※プレミアム鑑定は、240円~3400円/件で鑑定が出来ます。≫龍神霊符で”あなたの今”を読み解く【龍神霊符】10年後、あなたが人生で達成していること【龍神霊符】1ヶ月内に…あの人との恋の進展はある?【龍神霊符】今あの人が心を揺さぶられる「あなたの一面」≫支配龍の宣告により”あの人の気持ち”を読み解く【支配龍の宣告】今の2人の関係に変化に何が必要?【支配龍の宣告】今の2人の恋状況と運気【占い師「Love Me Do」について】吉本興業所属。「ラブちゃん」の愛称で活動。占い師、占星術家、風水師。東洋、西洋の占術に精通し、テレビ・ラジオ出演多数。20代半ばから手相を独学で学び、その後占術ごとの師匠の元で学び、タロット、四柱推命、風水、九星術、易学、人相占い、手相、数秘術、姓名判断などあらゆる占いを習得する。芸能人や芸人のブレイクや予言、政界の重大ニュース、プロサッカーの試合結果や得点選手、自然災害の予言など、数々の予言的中エピソードを持つ業界最注目の占い師として絶大な人気を誇る。【書籍】『部屋の角には神様がいる! Love Me Doの5分で簡単引き寄せ風水』宝島社(2018年1月24日)『3秒でわかる! 手のひら手相術』さくら舎(2018年7月5日)『鏡の中のりんごは色ですか?』サイゾー(2019年2月28日)『アラサー星占い』学研(2018年9月25日)『月と風水~時間と空間を操る時空風水~』ゴマブックス(2019年6月30日)『「もしもし神様ですか?」幸運を呼び込む開運スマホ術』リットーミュージック(2019年12月12日) など【月額プレミアムサービスのご紹介】月額プレミアムサービスでは3000円分以上のメニューが月額300円(税込)でお楽しみいただけます。また、有料特別メニューも最大400円割引。特別メニューをお買い求めの方は是非先にご入会下さい。月額占いはお使いの Google アカウントに課金されます。申込日から起算して1ヶ月ごとに自動更新されます。アプリ内、月額プレミアムサービスから購読を開始すると、その時点でプレミアムサービスへと入会になります。【自動更新の詳細】・自動更新後の料金は、会員更新時に課金されます。(※会員更新は入会から30日後に更新されます)【会員状況の確認・退会(自動更新の解除)方法】会員状況の確認と退会は下記より可能です。アプリをアンインストールしても、定期購入は解約されません。1. Android スマートフォンまたはタブレットで、Google Play ストア Google Play を開きます。2. 正しい Google アカウントにログインしていることを確認します。3. メニュー アイコン メニュー 次に [定期購入] をタップします。4. 解約する定期購入を選択します。5. [定期購入を解約] をタップします。6. 画面の指示に沿って操作を行います。次回の自動更新日時の確認や、自動更新の解除・設定はこの画面にてお願いいたします。※ 本アプリ内から Google Play Store 決済でご利用中のプレミアムサービスの解約は行うことはできませんので、ご注意ください。【当月分のキャンセル】プレミアムサービスの当月分のキャンセルについては受け付けておりません。【有料メニューの注意事項】※お客様への注意事項※一度ご購入された結果も、「違った端末でアプリを再インストールした場合」や、「一度アプリをアンインストールしてから再度インストールし直した場合」には再購入が必要です。こちらご承知下さいませ。※鑑定内容は一例です。実際の鑑定結果と異なる場合がありますので、予めご了承下さい。※個人の感想であり、現実になることを保証するものではございません。
Princess nail art wallpapers for girls with colorful nails polishes ideas!
🚶💜💄🤗💃🌷🎀😎👯👄🌹🍀Welcome to the “princess salon", where you can find the best “ideas for your nail design"! Awesome “nail art" pictures will make you paint your nails chic and fancy! Change your “nail art design" with new nail shades pictures, french manicure, wedding nail art images, step by step nail art wallpapers HD! You nails can look fabulous with this “nail decoration app"! See what your nail art says about you! Choose among many nail designs that are so perfect for summer! Find best nail art in this nail and makeup app!💖😘🚶💜💄🤗💃🌷🎀😎👯👄🌹🍀💖😘Princess Nails Wallpapers are the best apps for girls who want to paint nails, but don’t know how! Do your nails by looking at the best pictures of nail decoration. Wedding manicure, french manicure, Christmas nail art, summer nails, princess nails, glitter nails, acrylic nails, stiletto nails, nude nail art, gothic nails, Easter nails you will find in this “nail app"! Every trendy girl cares about her nail style! If you have long nails, all you need is a perfect nail makeup! This top nail application will provide you with..
Lets you enjoy beautiful of Spanish good morning wishes gifs images
Wishing you a good morning have a beautiful day for everyone in everyday. We provided more beautiful Spanish good morning images. You can send your favourite Spanish good morning gif images through social networkas you connect to your family, friends and love. You also download favour Spanish good morning gifs to your smart phone, your tablet. Let you enjoy with your family and friends every morning.App Feature :- Collection of Good morning Gifs images- Favourite your Good morning Gifs - Send Gifs images to social network, email, sms, etc.- Save favourite gifs images to your device.- Rate favourite gifs
Use this app to trick your eyes.
"Optical illusionHypnosis" deception of vision or sharingan is a collection of unique illusions that can create an error in visual perception (false phenomena, hallucinations). Illusions will make you see objects around you deformed in different forms, depending on the illusion.The application includes:- 41 optical illusions (animated)- 18 static illusion (stationary)- 18 geometric illusions (visual distortions)You can also use this app as a hypnotize game or as an eyes sharingan.So why do optical illusions games arise?The main reason is that the brain mistakenly reacts to signals coming from the eyes.Since a person has binocular vision, he actually sees two blurry, twitching and periodically disappearing images, which means that there is a problem of combining information coming through the right and left eyes.1) The image on the retina is inverted.2) Due to the imperfect optical properties of the eye, the image on the retina is defocused or smeared.3) The eyes make constant movements, that is, the image is in constant dynamics.4) The eyes blink approximately 15-20 times per minute, which means that the image ceases to be projected onto the retina every..
IP TV app with music, food, movies, sports and comedy.
Open TV without bureaucracy, using your internet. Contact your provider and ask for your username and password.- Application for SET-TOP BOX devices and TV's with Android or Android TV operating system.- This app starts in landscape mode to better adapt to Smart TVs.- The application provides the convenience of remote control.


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