

ver 1.2.1

ver 1.2.0




あびほらメモリアル App SCREENSHOT


あびほらメモリアル App DESCRIPTION

Abyss Horizon is a smartphone app for displaying and shooting the ship princesses who appeared in Abyss Horizon.

-You can freely browse all the published 3D models and illustrations of the ship princess.
-You can shoot using the motions used in the main game for each ship princess, such as skills and pledges, and the additional motions and still poses of this app.
・ People can take about 400 different poses.
-In addition to changing clothes, you can adjust the display of princess ship armor, awakening armor, transparent clothing, and possessed weapons.
-It is also possible to display only the ship’s equipment.
-There are various display methods such as 1/8 figure size or 10x scale from life-sized ship princess using AR function. It is possible to project with the child at your favorite place.
-Can be used on both vertical and horizontal screens.

Please check the app site for current known bugs and specifications, as well as future additions.

■ Required performance
Android 7 and above
Performance equal to or better than Snapdragon 630
Installed RAM capacity 2GB

■ Recommended operation model
Android 11 and above
Performance equal to or better than Snapdragon 845
Installed RAM capacity 4GB or more

* Abyss Horizon is a smartphone game that was in service from 2018 to 2021.
* This app is a fan app created using materials released by Y.Y.GLOBAL LIMITED and CQYY Studio. The copyright of the character model and illustration belongs to Y.Y.GLOBAL LIMITED and the creator.
* Required performance may change due to future function additions.

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Invia immagini di felice sabato ai tuoi cari e rendili felici.Il sabato è il giorno a metà strada tra venerdì e sabato.Rendi felice la tua famiglia con queste bellissime immagini.Augura un felice sabato a tutte le persone a cui tieni, sorridi.Il sabato è il sesto giorno della settimana. Il giorno di Saturno.Metti un sorriso in bocca a tutti coloro che ami ogni sabato con questa applicazione che contiene bellissime immagini.Fagli sapere che ti ricordi di lui ogni giorno.Le immagini in questa app possono essere utilizzate come sfondi e nei tuoi social network.È molto facile da usare, è possibile condividere sia l'applicazione che le immagini, non ci sono limiti da condividere.L'app verrà aggiornata costantemente in modo che possano godere di nuove immagini.Contenuto offline.Questa app utilizza immagini di dominio pubblico, proviamo che nessuna delle immagini ha Copyright. Intendiamo essere legali e conformi alle normative, se vedi qualsiasi immagine che non ti piace o che pensi non dovrebbe essere qui, ti preghiamo di informarci e lo elimineremo il prima possibile.Questa app è gratuita Aiutaci a continuare a creare app gratuite per te. Se..
It is an application that you can enjoy watching the people of Abyss Horizon and taking pictures.
Abyss Horizon is a smartphone app for displaying and shooting the ship princesses who appeared in Abyss Horizon.-You can freely browse all the published 3D models and illustrations of the ship princess.-You can shoot using the motions used in the main game for each ship princess, such as skills and pledges, and the additional motions and still poses of this app.・ People can take about 400 different poses.-In addition to changing clothes, you can adjust the display of princess ship armor, awakening armor, transparent clothing, and possessed weapons.-It is also possible to display only the ship's equipment.-There are various display methods such as 1/8 figure size or 10x scale from life-sized ship princess using AR function. It is possible to project with the child at your favorite place.-Can be used on both vertical and horizontal screens.Please check the app site for current known bugs and specifications, as well as future additions.■ Required performanceAndroid 7 and abovePerformance equal to or better than Snapdragon 630Installed RAM capacity 2GB■ Recommended operation modelAndroid 11 and abovePerformance equal to or better than Snapdragon 845Installed RAM..

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