Chemical Engineering MCQs Handbook
Chemical Engineering MCQs HandbookChemical engineering is a branch of engineering that applies physical sciences (physics and Chemical), life sciences (microbiology and bioChemical), together with applied mathematics and economics to produce, transform, transport, and properly use chemicals, materials and energy. A chemical engineer designs large-scale processes that convert chemicals, raw materials, living cells, microorganisms and energy into useful forms and products.The subjects covered in the book include:Chemical Engineering BasicsMass TransferStoichiometryFuels and CombustionNuclear Power EngineeringPolymer TechnologyMechanical OperationsProcess Control and InstrumentationChemical Reaction EngineeringChemical Engineering Plant EconomicsEnvironmental EngineeringHeat TransferFertiliser TechnologyChemical Engineering ThermodynamicsProcess Equipment and Plant DesignRefractory TechnologyFluid MechanicsPetroleum Refinery EngineeringChemical ProcessMaterials and ConstructionFurnace TechnologyChemical engineering involves managing plant processes and conditions to ensure optimal plant operation. Chemical reaction engineers construct models for reactor analysis and design using laboratory data and physical parameters, such as chemical thermodynamics, to solve problems and predict reactor performance.Chemical engineering design concerns the creation of plans, specification, and economic analyses for pilot plants, new plants or plant modifications. Design engineers often work in a consulting role, designing plants to meet clients' needs. Design is limited by a number of factors,..