24-hour auto battle RPG
- Updated:
- BundleID:
- com.gamecaff.idle
- Version:
- 1.5
- Category:
- Role Playing
- Required:
- Android
- Rating:
- Publish:
- 2019-12-31
- Price:
- Free
- Developer:
- Gamecaff CoLimited
fix bug
오버배틀:오리진 Game SCREENSHOT
오버배틀:오리진 Game DESCRIPTION
오버배틀:오리진(Overbattle3) 는 유럽판타지 소재로 RPG특색을 융합해 캐주얼 방치형 게임입니다 게임은 방치하는 모드로 양 손을 자유롭게 해방동시에 많은 이벤트 콘텐츠 보유 신비한 지하감옥 모험 그리고 독창적인 성보컨텐츠는 깜짝, 자극, 옛 등 게임 체험 전통적 MMO의 성장선 정통의 와우 시각체험 방치형으로 경전을 느껴보세요 많은아이템 펫 탈것 등 있는 대로 다 가지고 있다 무한전투 오기를 기다리고 있다!
■ 게임특징 ■
전통 RPG 입니다
24시간 자동전투가 가능합니다.
게임외 다른볼일 보실때 자동전투시스템으로
주무실때 켜두시면 저절로 자동전투 가능하게 해서 편리합니다.
휴식은 노! 당신이 잠든 사이에도 자동성장은 계속 된다!
편하지만 있을건 다있다
100+많은 퀴스트 강화 합성 10여종 강화시스템
코스튬 날개 신기 보석 제련다양한 성장을 통해 강력해지는 전투력을 경험하라!
무한 아레나로 자신보다 높은순위의 유저를 도전격파하여 실력을 과시하자
SIMILAR to 오버배틀:오리진 Game
Classic Idle Mud RPG, Text-based Adventure with Immortal Realm Cultivation.
Endless Immortal Cultivation is a casual idle mobile gameImmortal Beasts like Kunpeng, Huanglong, Chaos, and Jinwu will accompany you on your freehand and imaginative journey.1. Idle Gameplay: You can get various resources, equipment, weapons with offline auto battle. Every time when you go online, you will be pleasantly surprised.2. Fancy training: You will explore the immortal world through the heavens, group adventures, slaying demons and monsters, recruiting beasts and allies, upgrade your secret realms, sharpen your fighting skills, discussing Taoism, refining alchemy. And all kinds of novel gameplays emerge one after another, making the road to self-cultivation more colorful and fantastic.3. Communication and self-cultivation: sects, Taoists, mentors and apprentices, as well as various chat platforms for leisure and pleasure. You are not fighting and growing alone.4. Transcend Tribulation Upgrade: Cultivation battle, spiritual tempering, loot divine costume and magic elixir. Prove your immortal way, and grow stronger, cultivate immortals.Join the endless cultivation of immortals and explore various fancy and open gameplay. Easy, free, and no any pressure.
Endless Battle 2-Eternal Battle A dark style on-hook RPG mobile game, supports 24H offline monster fighting and practice! Suitable for office workers, lazy people, students, busy people to play.
「永恆戰記-無盡戰記Ⅱ」延续第一代的全部特色,並加入新主城,新介面,新精靈系統以及更強的多人交互系統,是一款西方魔幻風格的第三代放置型RPG手機遊戲,遊戲最大程度還原了當年MMORPG端遊打怪掉寶的遊戲樂趣,並加入新奇玩法; 專為上班族,學生族,懶人以及忙碌的人設計,且不用一直盯著手機屏幕,打怪練功升等升級都在您休息時間點進去過過任務就好,每次升等還會送鑽石和獎勵禮包。帶您回歸經典黑暗時代,重溫熟悉的畫面,挑戰神魔,放置掛機,離線也在不間斷戰鬥,打裝備獲得經驗!客服通道:fb.com/wjgametw 或者寄信gamecaff@gmail.com【遊戲特色】*懷舊經典暗黑風格再添龍與美女共舞,新增地圖與人物等級上限,各種主角英雄絢麗的技能特效,交織成為「永恆戰記」這一款具有獨特魅力的冒險魔幻掛機RPG手遊;*繼承並復刻了「無盡戰記」一代的戰士,魔法師,弓箭手3大經典職業,並優化職業平衡,保留了傳統經典MMORPG與ARPG的拍賣行、市場、翅膀、套裝裝備流光等經典元素,最大程度還原了網遊的樂趣;*強化跨服多人互動,新增戰盟爭霸,公會boss, 團戰,野外PK搶奪,金幣搶奪、守護礦石等各種全新玩法;*更有傭兵英雄轉職多種職業,任你組合陣容; 裝備強化,傳承,吞噬,洗煉,極品追加等增強您裝備等屬性,使您的裝備更具殺傷力;*聊天,添加好友、副本組隊、戰盟交互讓您不再感到是一個人在戰鬥;用大部分玩家的話來說:活人很多,聊天很熱鬧,小編會互動,很熱情。*八大特色功能:激戰BOSS讓您快速過關獲得大量經驗、利用翅膀飛升快速掛機升等、跨服PK搶奪讓您有機會搶奪千萬金幣、絕世神兵系統祝您英雄屬性更上一層樓、交易拍賣讓您不用的道具輕鬆換取鑽石、更有英雄助戰、華麗時裝、多人團戰等特色功能;*寶石時裝是您成為一名永恆英雄的必備裝備。*讓放置變得與眾不同!還等什麼,叫上戰友,一起再創奇跡,再創神話!
Ever Battle 2-Over Battle --- 24 hours automatic battle Illegal RPG game!
■ 게임특징 ■전통 RPG 입니다24시간 자동전투가 가능합니다. 게임외 다른볼일 보실때 자동전투시스템으로주무실때 켜두시면 저절로 자동전투 가능하게 해서 편리합니다.휴식은 노! 당신이 잠든 사이에도 자동성장은 계속 된다!편하지만 있을건 다있다 100+많은 퀴스트 강화 합성 10여종 강화시스템코스튬 날개 신기 보석 제련다양한 성장을 통해 강력해지는 전투력을 경험하라!무한 아레나로 자신보다 높은순위의 유저를 도전격파하여 실력을 과시하자 당양한 이벤트 보상 총전/레벨보상http://cafe.naver.com/everbattle2https://www.facebook.com/everbattle2
注意:帳號丟失,發送email到gamecaff@gmail.com !次代暗黑風格掛機RPG手遊,帶您重溫經典!適合上班族玩
「無盡戰記」是一款西方魔幻風格的第三代放置型RPG手機遊戲,遊戲最大程度還原了當年MMORPG端遊打怪掉寶的遊戲樂趣,並加入新奇玩法; 專為上班族,學生族,懶人以及忙碌的人設計,且不用一直盯著手機屏幕,打怪練功升等升級都在您休息時間點進去過過任務就好,每次升等還會送鑽石和獎勵禮包。帶您回歸經典黑暗時代,重溫熟悉的畫面,挑戰神魔,放置掛機,離線也在不間斷戰鬥,打裝備獲得經驗!客服通道:fb.com/wjgametw 或者寄信gamecaff@gmail.com【遊戲特色】*懷舊的風格,絢麗的特效,交織成為「無盡戰記」這一款具有獨特魅力的冒險魔幻RPG;*遊戲復刻了戰士,魔法師,弓箭手3大經典職業,保留了拍賣行、翅膀、裝備流光等經典元素;*同時還開闢了爭奪戰場,野外PK,金幣搶奪、守护矿洞等各種全新玩法;*傭兵轉職任你組合陣容; 裝備強化,傳承,吞噬,洗煉是您的裝備更具殺傷力;*添加好友、副本組隊、戰盟交互讓您不再感到是一個人在戰鬥;*八大特色功能:激戰BOSS讓您快速過關獲得大量經驗、利用翅膀飛升快速掛機升等、跨服PK搶奪讓您有機會搶奪千萬金幣、絕世神兵系統祝您英雄屬性更上一層樓、交易拍賣讓您不用的道具輕鬆換取鑽石、更有英雄助戰、華麗時裝、多人團戰等特色功能;*寶石時裝是您成為一名無盡英雄的必備裝備。*讓放置變得與眾不同!還等什麼,叫上戰友,一起再創奇跡!
Start the Adventure - a dark-themed rpg mobile game. Challenge the boss and pass the level.
"Dark Evolution" made a shocking debut on the entire network. After years of painstaking polishing by the team, it brings players a brand new dark world with more texture.Intense and intense turn-based battles and a relaxed placement development system, the characteristic hero design allows players to create a combination lineup with varied strategies. The game is not liver or krypton, and there are many benefits. Massive resources can be obtained from offline earnings, and many heroes can be obtained for free in the game, directing the heroes to participate in the exciting adventure journey.Rich gameplay artifacts and exciting storylines create a different immersive gaming experience for players.The dark evolution welcomes you, the door to the unknown world has opened, adventurers from all over the world gather here, and the heroes who save the world evolve all the way in the fantasy dark world, master the power of justice, fight against the army of demons, and become the strongest the hero!
The most popular text cultivator placement RPG masterpiece! Unlimited Xianxian on-hook version
水墨文字修仙在無盡修真的基礎上經過沉澱近一年的時間改版,從整體渡劫飛升,學習功法玩法,到養成體系,到界面排版佈局,以及體驗細節,都做了深層次的調整,期待大家來體驗,提出寶貴的建議跟意見創世大陸仙力靈氣充沛,天材地寶雲集。這裏既是修真者們煉體修氣的樂土,也是妖魔們的廝鬥掠奪的惡地。作為一個初入修仙界的懵懂少年,你如何克服重重險阻,如何戰勝紛紛強敵,去創造屬於自己的修真傳奇?種族職業 各有特色以攻為主的戰士,固守如山的禦甲,控法制敵的法師,療傷祛咒的巫祝。灼燒流,反傷流,強化流,控制流,道法雖有千萬,不及破敵一策。修仙掛機 不氪不肝玩法輕鬆簡化,即使三兩分鐘,也能小玩一下。活動福利多到爆,禮包仙玉等你拿。隨時掛機,隨玩隨停,暢快修仙,輕鬆遊戲。繽紛世界 多彩仙路裝備,法寶,靈寶,洞府,道友,法身,靈獸,討伐,仙鬥,煉魂,煉器創新玩法多多,誠意設計滿滿,奇緣妙法的修仙世界,等待你的探索。貼心回收 全不浪費獨家設計的“重生”功能,讓你不再為強化苦惱。道友,裝備,法寶,法身,靈寶,靈獸所有強化資源都可無損回收,強化培養再無後顧之憂。關注回饋 持續更新製作組會密切關注各位玩家的回饋,結合實際情況,對遊戲做出優化和改進,讓這個輕鬆又充滿冒險的修真世界變得越來越有趣,越來越好玩。
Endless Battle 2-Eternal Battle A dark style on-hook RPG mobile game, supports 24H offline monster fighting and practice! Suitable for office workers, lazy people, students, busy people to play.
「永恆戰記-無盡戰記Ⅱ」延续第一代的全部特色,並加入新主城,新介面,新精靈系統以及更強的多人交互系統,是一款西方魔幻風格的第三代放置型RPG手機遊戲,遊戲最大程度還原了當年MMORPG端遊打怪掉寶的遊戲樂趣,並加入新奇玩法; 專為上班族,學生族,懶人以及忙碌的人設計,且不用一直盯著手機屏幕,打怪練功升等升級都在您休息時間點進去過過任務就好,每次升等還會送鑽石和獎勵禮包。帶您回歸經典黑暗時代,重溫熟悉的畫面,挑戰神魔,放置掛機,離線也在不間斷戰鬥,打裝備獲得經驗!客服通道:fb.com/wjgametw 或者寄信gamecaff@gmail.com【遊戲特色】*懷舊經典暗黑風格再添龍與美女共舞,新增地圖與人物等級上限,各種主角英雄絢麗的技能特效,交織成為「永恆戰記」這一款具有獨特魅力的冒險魔幻掛機RPG手遊;*繼承並復刻了「無盡戰記」一代的戰士,魔法師,弓箭手3大經典職業,並優化職業平衡,保留了傳統經典MMORPG與ARPG的拍賣行、市場、翅膀、套裝裝備流光等經典元素,最大程度還原了網遊的樂趣;*強化跨服多人互動,新增戰盟爭霸,公會boss, 團戰,野外PK搶奪,金幣搶奪、守護礦石等各種全新玩法;*更有傭兵英雄轉職多種職業,任你組合陣容; 裝備強化,傳承,吞噬,洗煉,極品追加等增強您裝備等屬性,使您的裝備更具殺傷力;*聊天,添加好友、副本組隊、戰盟交互讓您不再感到是一個人在戰鬥;用大部分玩家的話來說:活人很多,聊天很熱鬧,小編會互動,很熱情。*八大特色功能:激戰BOSS讓您快速過關獲得大量經驗、利用翅膀飛升快速掛機升等、跨服PK搶奪讓您有機會搶奪千萬金幣、絕世神兵系統祝您英雄屬性更上一層樓、交易拍賣讓您不用的道具輕鬆換取鑽石、更有英雄助戰、華麗時裝、多人團戰等特色功能;*寶石時裝是您成為一名永恆英雄的必備裝備。*讓放置變得與眾不同!還等什麼,叫上戰友,一起再創奇跡,再創神話!
Classic Idle Mud RPG, Text-based Adventure with Immortal Realm Cultivation.
Endless Immortal Cultivation is a casual idle mobile gameImmortal Beasts like Kunpeng, Huanglong, Chaos, and Jinwu will accompany you on your freehand and imaginative journey.1. Idle Gameplay: You can get various resources, equipment, weapons with offline auto battle. Every time when you go online, you will be pleasantly surprised.2. Fancy training: You will explore the immortal world through the heavens, group adventures, slaying demons and monsters, recruiting beasts and allies, upgrade your secret realms, sharpen your fighting skills, discussing Taoism, refining alchemy. And all kinds of novel gameplays emerge one after another, making the road to self-cultivation more colorful and fantastic.3. Communication and self-cultivation: sects, Taoists, mentors and apprentices, as well as various chat platforms for leisure and pleasure. You are not fighting and growing alone.4. Transcend Tribulation Upgrade: Cultivation battle, spiritual tempering, loot divine costume and magic elixir. Prove your immortal way, and grow stronger, cultivate immortals.Join the endless cultivation of immortals and explore various fancy and open gameplay. Easy, free, and no any pressure.
an open-world Roguelike game that offers an exhilarating shooting experience
"Blast Squad" is an open world shooter roguelike surviving game that immerses you in thrilling and intense shooting experiences. You'll find yourself trapped on a mysterious alien planet, with your only hope being to optimize your weapons and skills to survive in this challenging environment, waiting for the opportunity to be rescued."Blast Squad" is a mobile game with low network requirements, allowing you to enjoy the gaming fun anytime, anywhere. Whether you're a fan of IO games, love survival games, or simply want to play an exciting new game, this game caters to everyone's needs.In the game, you will continuously unlock new weapons and items to aid you on your journey. However, please be aware that you will face formidable enemies, and only the strongest can survive.Don't wait any longer! Download "Blast Squad" now and embark on this thrilling adventure!Game Features:Each player can carry up to 8 weapons and unlimited spells.Default aiming options enable automatic shooting with weapons.Multiple heroes for you to customize freely.Single-handed controls for battling hordes of monsters!Hundreds of weapons, privileges, and items for you to choose from.A..
| Action
A simulation strategy war game with innovative gameplay.
You will become the lord of a city in the fantasy world, recruit heroes, develop towns, manufacture equipment, and form legions. In the end, it leads mankind out of desperation, regains its territory, and rebuilds its glory.【story background】The demon lord Ertai led the "tyrannical legion" across the portal and defeated the human coalition forces on the Plain of Despair. Undead, orcs, and demons began to wreak havoc across the continent. However, the final doomsday has not yet come. Resume production, gather legions, recruit heroes, and regain lost ground. Humanity still has the power to fight. As the last hope of mankind, how will you lead everyone out of desperation and regain hope?In the game, you will experience:【wonderful world】13 continents make up this wonderful world. Humans built cities on the open and lush plains, dwarves mined mines on snow-capped mountains, orcs ran against wolves on the hot and desolate Gobi, and demons roared and roared in the lava-filled hell.【Unknown Adventure】This magical continent is waiting for your exploration. You can send heroes to all over the world to find all kinds of..
24-hour auto battle RPG
오버배틀:오리진(Overbattle3) 는 유럽판타지 소재로 RPG특색을 융합해 캐주얼 방치형 게임입니다 게임은 방치하는 모드로 양 손을 자유롭게 해방동시에 많은 이벤트 콘텐츠 보유 신비한 지하감옥 모험 그리고 독창적인 성보컨텐츠는 깜짝, 자극, 옛 등 게임 체험 전통적 MMO의 성장선 정통의 와우 시각체험 방치형으로 경전을 느껴보세요 많은아이템 펫 탈것 등 있는 대로 다 가지고 있다 무한전투 오기를 기다리고 있다!■ 게임특징 ■전통 RPG 입니다24시간 자동전투가 가능합니다.게임외 다른볼일 보실때 자동전투시스템으로주무실때 켜두시면 저절로 자동전투 가능하게 해서 편리합니다.휴식은 노! 당신이 잠든 사이에도 자동성장은 계속 된다!편하지만 있을건 다있다100+많은 퀴스트 강화 합성 10여종 강화시스템코스튬 날개 신기 보석 제련다양한 성장을 통해 강력해지는 전투력을 경험하라!무한 아레나로 자신보다 높은순위의 유저를 도전격파하여 실력을 과시하자
EasyPeasy and Fun! Transform your leisure time with this Idle RPG adventure.
A group of evil monsters is about to invade your homeland. Quickly lead your creatures to resist the invasion of the monsters. Enhance your strength by collecting equipment, skills, and companions. In the end, you will need to engage in an intense battle with the final BOSS. Can you become the strongest creature and resist the invasion of monsters? Come and challenge this adventurous and surprising game!You are a soldier living in a future world. One day, you discover that the outside world has become extremely noisy👽 You rush out to find a group of strangely dressed people destroying the city🛸 Suddenly, a mysterious portal appears beside you🎁 Many self-proclaimed superheroes appear in front of you⚔️ For the safety of the city, you must lead them to eliminate these enemiesFeatured gameplay:🚩Experience the thrill of crazy enemy killing!You can continuously tap the enhancement buttons on the screen to significantly improve your hero's attributes and eliminate monsters! Click on skills to make your hero deal full-screen damage to enemies! If you find tapping troublesome, you can also activate auto mode to easily..