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East West Berlin App SCREENSHOT

【图】East West Berlin(截图1)【图】East West Berlin(截图2)【图】East West Berlin(截图3)

East West Berlin App DESCRIPTION

Walking across Berlin is sometimes confusing for travelers. Want to know if you crossed the Berlin wall during your walk? This app is what you need 🙂

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Welcome to the SJK Private Hire & Booking App
Welcome to the SJK Private Hire & Booking AppSJK is one of the largest taxi firms surrounding Leeds & Bradford Airport, available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Don’t delay and download our App today!Through this app you can: • Order a taxi • Cancel a booking • Track the vehicle on the map as it makes its way towards you! • Receive real-time notifications of the status of your taxi • Pay by cash or with card• Order a taxi for an exact pick-up time• Store your favourite pick up points for easy bookingWe love feedback ! Leave your comments on our app to help us continually improve our service
The app will be useful for everyone who plans to go short or long trip abroad.
Mobilā aplikācija "Ceļo droši" noderēs jebkuram, kurš plāno doties tuvākā vai tālākā braucienā uz ārvalstīm, arī pieredzējušiem ceļotājiem. Tā palīdzēs veiksmīgi sagatavoties braucieniem, brīdinās par iespējamiem riskiem, kā arī norādīs, kur meklēt palīdzību ārkārtas situācijās. Aplikācija ietver:- Ieteikumus ceļotājiem;- Brīdinājumus par riskiem (drošība valstīs, ieteikumi darba meklētājiem ārvalstīs u.c.);- Ceļojumu plānotāja funkciju – atgādinājumus par svarīgākajiem uzdevumiem gatavojoties braucienam (piemēram, noskaidrot, vai ieceļošanai konkrētajā valstī nepieciešama vīza u.c.), iespēja pievienot arī personīgus atgādinājumus;- Latvijas pārstāvniecību kontaktus un informāciju par palīdzību ārkārtas situācijās ārvalstīs;- Ātras un ērtas saziņas iespējas ar Latvijas Ārlietu ministrijas Konsulāro dienestu ārkārtas situācijās 24/7 režīmā
Connecting you everywhere
Provide an exciting experience for customers in using all modes of public transportation in DKI Jakarta and its surroundings. Through this application, it is easy for customers to make payments with a QR code, find out the destination route and fleet in real time and other exciting things.
Discover Barcelona. The essentials, restaurants, shops, museums, beaches, & more
Updated information for 2017: New stores, updated timetables, some errors solved…Download the new version now!The must-have app if you want to get the most out of your trip to Barcelona! - The best visitor attractions - Offline maps of the city and metro network - Essential practical information - Design your own tailor-made trip Download the app now! TURISME de BARCELONA OFFICIAL PRODUCT Enjoy Barcelona, the city of Gaudí and FC Barcelona. Enjoy its museums (Picasso, Miró, Dalí, Tàpies) and spectacular beaches, its hotels and restaurants, famous for their avant-garde gastronomy with traditional roots, and its Shopping Line (a shopper’s paradise) of more than 5 kilometres. - Over 1,000 references and 350 photos Turisme de Barcelona, through more than 1,000 practical references, 350 photos, maps of the city, the metro and the Bus Turístic, among others, guides the user through the cosmopolitan atmosphere of the city and through the colour of its districts; through its fantastic museums and concert halls; its magnificent beaches, parks and gardens; and its offer of fine food, hotels, shops, theatre, music, sports and festivals. -..
Varied tours and landscapes - now in the Spessart biking app
Liebe Mountainbike-Freunde, herzlich Willkommen bei der App des Naturparks Hessischer Spessart!Tiefe Spessarttäler und -höhen, klare Bäche und eine artenreiche Tier- und Pflanzenwelt bestimmen in der Kulturlandschaft des Spessarts das Mountainbike-Tourennetz. Ein ausgeklügeltes und bestens markiertes Wegenetz mit 19 Touren in 9 Städten und Gemeinden mit über 560 Kilometern Strecke und mehr als zwölftausend Höhenmetern erwartet Sie!Die Touren bieten für jedes Level eine Menge Spaß. Das Angebot reicht von der aussichtsreichen Genusstour bis zur sportlichen Herausforderung mit anspruchsvollen Trails. Erfahren Sie die Vielfalt!Der Hessische Spessart liegt an der Tangente FrankfurtFulda und ist somit auch für MountainbikerInnen aus anderen Regionen bestens erreichbar.Die SpessartBiken-App hilft Ihnen, sich jederzeit und überall im Mountainbikegebiet Spessart zurechtzufinden. Sie liefert Ihnen alle Informationen zu den einzelnen Touren, sowie eine interaktive Kartenfunktion, damit Sie nie den Überblick über unser umfangreiche Tourenangebot verlieren.Hier sind alle Funktionen und Inhalte im Überblick:- interaktive Karte mit allen Touren und Orten, Positionsbestimmung und Offline-Karte- 19 Touren mit Tourdaten (km, hm,), Beschreibung, Höhenprofil, Kartenausschnitt und Downloads- Informationen rund um das Tourennetz und den Naturpark Hessischer Spessart- direkte Kontaktmöglichkeit zu allen Touristen-Informationen im SpessartBiken-Gebiet- Feedback-Funktion,..
Citimuber Oneshop User is a complete on demand app in the market!
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Beacon (Beacon) Mobile-based National Arboretum tour information service
※ 내 주변 콘텐츠 정보안내(비컨 콘텐츠 알림) 서비스 이용방법스마트폰 블루투스 기능을 켜주세요!(안드로이드 버전 4.3 이상에서 이용가능합니다.)국립수목원 관람정보 서비스모바일로 더 쉽고 편리하게 이용하세요.국립수목원 가이드 앱 출시국립수목원 가이드 앱이 정식 출시되었습니다. 국립수목원을 방문하여 스마트폰의 블루투스 기능을 켜주시고 앱을 내려받아 설치해주세요. 비컨이 설치된 지역을 지나가면 다양한 식물 또는 전시원 콘텐츠를 자동으로 제공받을 수 있습니다.✔ 내 주변 콘텐츠 정보 안내특정 식물(시설물) 근접 시 음성해설, 사진, 텍스트 콘텐츠 정보를 제공합니다. ✔ 방문 스탬프 전시원별 스탬프 도장이 발급되어 단계에 따라 식물 캐릭터가 성장합니다✔ 위치와 연계되는 사진촬영수목원 내 사진 촬영을 하게 되면 지도에 사진 촬영위치가 기록되고 사진을 SNS에 공유할 수 있습니다. ✔ 이용안내 정보국립수목원을 보다 편하고 즐겁게 이용할 수 있는 방문 전 알아두면 좋은 안내정보(예약안내, 입장료, 주차료 등)를 제공합니다. ✔ 국립수목원 안내도지도기반 안내도에서 각종 시설물 정보를 직관적인 아이콘 형태로 표시하여 사용자가 쉽게 확인할 수 있도록 하였습니다. ✔ 추천코스사용자가 코스정보를 탐색하여 코스선택이 가능하며, 코스가 완료되면 내가 돌아본 코스로 기록되는 기능을 제공합니다.✔ 오늘의 여행기록활동시간/ 이동 거리/ 내 식물 캐릭터/ 획득한 스탬프가 기록되며, 해당 기록을 방문확인증처럼 SNS에 공유할 수 있습니다.✔ 생물종 검색국가생물종 지식정보시스템 검색 기능을 제공하여 식물정보 탐색과 학습 활용이 가능합니다.✔ 모바일 예약관리시스템 연동(5월 서비스 준비 중)국립수목원 가이드 앱에서도 모바일..
Halal restaurants app help Muslims abroad in accessing nearby eating out places.
Consuming Halal food is compulsory for Muslims across the worldMuslims living in non Islamic countries usually face the issue of figuring out the genuine Halal restaurants. Halal restaurants are the one where food made with Halal ingredients is served. This food is approved as per Islamic lawsFind Halal Restaurants nearby is a free application which will search and find out the nearest Halal restaurants around your location. This application can be trusted for reliable results and searches. This app is useful for Muslims in Western countries where Muslim population is hard to findIt uses 5 mile radius system to locate all of the Halal restaurants which lie nearby in any city of the world.To get better assistance, download Halal Restaurant app and taste the aroma of Muslim cultural food by figuring out the fine Halal restaurant. Users can simply tap to search any location, city or country for finding Halal restaurants.Halal restaurant application can also automatically detect the location of the user. After the search, there will be various Halal restaurants options that will pop up. Users can select any..
Earn Smiles, LATAM Pass and TudoAzul miles and Livelo points with your purchases!
With Miles for Shopping, your online purchases turn into Smiles, LATAM Pass or TudoAzul miles for you to use when buying airline tickets, or Livelo points for you to use however you want!Azul, Gol and LATAM have partnerships with several online stores. Accessing the airlines website you have access to all the ways to earn points with online purchases.With Miles for Shopping, online stores and partner travel sites are automatically redirected to activate promotions for miles and points per Real spent, so you can guarantee that you won't lose any points with your purchases!Shop at Americanas, Casas Bahia, Magazine Luiza, Ponto Frio, Fast Shop, Centauro and many others, and receive miles in the Smiles, LATAM Pass and TudoAzul programs or Livelo points for every Real spent in these stores!In addition, you still receive sporadic notifications when there is a points promotion.IMPORTANT:We do not collect any personal information or data about your purchases. All your purchases are made outside of the app, either in the browser or the official app of the stores.
The official mobile application with the Tourist Guide of Evia.
H most comprehensive application on mobile and Tablet (Android & Ios), which gives a full and detailed description of the island of Evia. What is Discover Evia island: The Discover Evia island application is the result of a concerted effort to become a full inventory of the island of Evia. So every visitor of the island, Greek or foreign, but also the residents themselves, can be downloaded at no cost to the particular application and can quickly and easily find any information on the following main categories:• Euboea• Map• Stay• Food• EntertainmentEntertainment• Shopping• Beauty• Services• Offers Shopping• Health• Beaches• Movements• Activities• Sights• Recommended Routes• Events
A simple app to know if you are in the east or west part of Berlin
Walking across Berlin is sometimes confusing for travelers. Want to know if you crossed the Berlin wall during your walk? This app is what you need :)

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