
Pixel Quest Game SCREENSHOT

【图】Pixel Quest: Rogue Legend(截图1)【图】Pixel Quest: Rogue Legend(截图2)【图】Pixel Quest: Rogue Legend(截图3)

Pixel Quest Game DESCRIPTION

Embark on a Legendary Pixel Adventure now!

• Pixel Dungeon Exploration: Unlock Hidden Wonders
Journey through meticulously crafted pixelated dungeons teeming with sparkling treasures, ancient enigmas, and the lurking presence of fearsome creatures. As you delve deeper, unravel the mysteries concealed in the heart of the underworld.

• Multiplayer Battles: Forge Alliances, Test Your Mettle
Engage in thrilling multiplayer battles alongside friends, forming unstoppable alliances. Join powerful factions, devise cunning strategies, and rise to glory by vanquishing your relentless adversaries. Only the strongest survive in these epic showdowns.

• Offline Idle Magic: Unleash the Arcane, Even Offline
The secrets of arcane magic are yours to command, even when you’re offline. Watch in awe as your heroes tirelessly wage battle in the vibrant and enchanting realm. Mastery of magic knows no bounds, and your heroes prove it.

• Hero Customization: Craft Legendary Champions
Empower your heroes with a vast array of gear, artifacts, and awe-inspiring spells. Forge your dream team, a party of unmatched heroes ready to conquer the most daunting dungeon challenges. Customize each champion and shape your own legend.

Prepare for an unforgettable journey, where every pixel holds a secret, every battle is a test of valor, and magic flows even in the darkest depths. Begin your quest now and etch your name in the annals of Pixel Dungeon history!

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Obama will enter a haunted mansion inhabited by an evil entity
Obama has to fight against dark forces in a haunted cemetery, where a very powerful evil presence lurks. Help him solve this mystery safe and sound!
Enjoy army commando mission to encounter terrorists in offline shooting games
Modern Commando, enemy has taken over your military sites. They eliminated some soldiers on military-base and took others as hostages. Commando you are one-man army. Search out your military kit equipped with modern armaments, get back what belongs to you. Shoot to revenge for your soldiers in this modern commando shooting mission game, keep fleeing hostages as your first priority. FPS Action Games 2020 play for fans of best shooting,Modern Commando Shooting Mission Delta IGI force game is a Cover Shooter strike of an ex-army man who is hired to fight for his nation. This best action play covers shooting strategic commando missions with awesome graphics and cinematic FPS shooting 3D in new action games 2021category. Be the part of most amazing RPG in which you will be fighting in Royale Battleground challenges as an elite cover shooter free fire commando. Clear the enemy sniper zones in this FPS gun shooting games, for best action experience. It’s time to infiltrate enemy’s bae camps and get back what’s belong to you in this sniper shooting play. Are you ready to rescue..
Welcome in the Horror House Of Baby.
There are new several survival challenges creepy games for 7 year olds in the creepy baby games you play as a babies yellowin a game that is similar to a nightmare ghost story for you creepy baby. In this baby granny game, you will have to face a yellow ghost.Start meido nightmare by picking up the baby from the scary driveway. Save the baby, wash the yellow dirty diaper, and feed your baby.A scary virtual baby is ready for you to mess up. In this scary baby simulator game, you should perform tasks on time because creepy baby,you suffer from nightmares, which is a tough survival challenge and will be a difficult situation ghetto baby, Just as in the other horror games for kids.The babysitter has punctuality values because the scary baby asks that all problem be done on time otherwise, his mode will change and then hewill attack you like a ghost in a scary baby in a creepy baby games.Do not be fooled by the innocent babies looks:kind of scary gamescontains a story of two nights full of..
This is an escape game where you can enjoy a Halloween hotel. Collect various items and solve the mystery to escape.
Welcome to "Escape Game Halloween Hotel".you are in a locked area.Solve the mystery and escape.This escape game is a simple operation with only taps, and you can enjoy it for free until the end.【how to play】・Tap the place you care about and check it.・Tap an item to select it, then tap where you want to use it.・When you want to examine an item, you can enlarge it by tapping the item twice.・If you use another item for the enlarged item, some items can be combined.【feature】・An escape game where you can enjoy a tasteful world view with beautiful graphics and BGM.・There are many simple riddles, so even beginners can enjoy it.・It is an autosave. The continuation can be played at any time from "Load" on the title screen.
Super Octopus World Jungle Adventure is a classic game adventure !
Super Octopus World Jungle Adventure is a classic game from the day you have fourbuttons that will give you a sense of childhood.In the dream boy Octopus transformed into a lovely adventurous ink on the ground to findthe treasure of the pirates to leave. Octopus adventures seem to have encountered manydifficulties and challenges but prehistoric monsters like Bino's elephant have horns andhorn. Then the Nob's snails guard the bright star of the sky that they protect. Lep's wormshoots but the ball is not too poisonous you have to stay away. Vito's uncle, who isasleep, walks into the land of the uncle to wake up and chase after you. And a lot ofmonsters to challenge you to pass. You have to pass 4 spring, summer, autumn, winterwith many maps are extremely beautiful and difficult to very attractive you can notignore.During the move you can avoid the monsters or jump to the top of the monster to attackthem and kill them to get money to buy clothes, eyewear, eyeglasses and so manythings in the game.You try to collect all the gold coins..
I will protect you until the day I die
The Survival Pixel Block Game, Pixel Blood OnlinePixel Blood Online is a survival block game where you have to survive in cities, farms, airports and train stations full of zombies.You have to acquire a serum to survive from the many people who have turned into zombies and protect yourself from those who want to take the serum away.Always be careful of what's behind you. You don't know when your friend will turn into the enemy.When you are down and tired, build your bonfire. someone who is passing by may become your friend.Join the fight right now for your country, for mankind, and for yourself.[Features of Game]1. Unique and Various CharactersWe offer over 100 play characters with a variety of occupations and characteristics, including chefs, pilots, soldiers, school girls, and stewardesses. 2. Offering Dozens of WeaponsThe most weapons available to humans from the close weapons(such as knife, sword, hammers, bats, hockey sticks) to gun and throwing weapons(such as pistols, shotguns, machine guns and hand grenade) are waiting for you.3. Vehicles SupportVehicles such as boar, stag, undead horses with mobility and attack..
Pegasus flight simulator is horse flying open world game
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"Super Hero Magic Adventure" is an endless platformer game.
Super Hero Endless Adventureplatformer game Action Platformer Game."Super Hero Endless Adventure" is an endless platformer game with new challenging levels with boss level in each world! So, get into the awesome worlds, be super hero and fight with all enemies on your way to awesome journey and be the man of dan!Super Hero Endless Adventure has comes up with mixed RPG features. Fight with your enemies to reach destination. Be a legendary hero with this endless journey. You will come up with new themes and level environments. Super hero adventure is real fun game with new worlds. If you are looking for super adventure games world this is the best game world to enter. Run and run do not stop for any enemies on your way. Watch out your health and run for your life. Flip, hit, run, jump and be the master of all heroes. Are You Ready For Action?Features:- 4 Different world with 9+ story based levels and new enemies.- Fight with big enemy at last in 4 worlds in Boss Levels.- Shoot, hit, jump on your opponents..
Tanks get dirty too and need to be washed too
Children's carwash game with tanks and special vehicles is educational and very interesting. You can play car repair or racing, repair such kind of transport as tanks, cars or monster trucks. You can drive a racing car across streets in a city or off-roads. You can play tanks, fly an airplane, explore seas using a ship or a submarine. Or you can play such wonderful game as car wash. It's very exciting. So we have extended our series of educational games for children with a new gameCarwash: Military equipment.Cars and other vehicles for army is a special-purpose transport. Performing a lot of specific, dangerous and hard missions they get broken and dirty. And those are the cases carwashes and garages exist for. And in this game your primary task is to spruce them up! And today your carwash is going to receive not only lots of cars. For washing and cleaning a large amount of other vehicles has come. High number of tanks, military jeeps, anti-aircraft equipment and other military vehicles. Take water, a sponge and detergent quickly and get..
Embark on magical roguelike RPG & Dungeon Crawler adventures with global players
Embark on a Legendary Pixel Adventure now!• Pixel Dungeon Exploration: Unlock Hidden WondersJourney through meticulously crafted pixelated dungeons teeming with sparkling treasures, ancient enigmas, and the lurking presence of fearsome creatures. As you delve deeper, unravel the mysteries concealed in the heart of the underworld.• Multiplayer Battles: Forge Alliances, Test Your MettleEngage in thrilling multiplayer battles alongside friends, forming unstoppable alliances. Join powerful factions, devise cunning strategies, and rise to glory by vanquishing your relentless adversaries. Only the strongest survive in these epic showdowns.• Offline Idle Magic: Unleash the Arcane, Even OfflineThe secrets of arcane magic are yours to command, even when you're offline. Watch in awe as your heroes tirelessly wage battle in the vibrant and enchanting realm. Mastery of magic knows no bounds, and your heroes prove it.• Hero Customization: Craft Legendary ChampionsEmpower your heroes with a vast array of gear, artifacts, and awe-inspiring spells. Forge your dream team, a party of unmatched heroes ready to conquer the most daunting dungeon challenges. Customize each champion and shape your own legend.Prepare for an unforgettable journey, where every pixel holds..

Pixel Quest Game DOWNLOAD

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Climbing the leaderboard like a champ! Nobody can touch my gaming skills.


*SCAM* Devs changed their company name, abandoned magic tower hero, and copy/pasted the exact game into a new one, claiming it is a new game. DO NOT spend money on these games.


Other than the ads i know nothing about this game cause it wont load past the black screen. Im uninstalling until it gets fixed. This is so freaking stupid!


This company is a scammer. They remake the same games but under I different company and game name. Magic tower heroes is the same game but released 6months ago. they just made this game. The biggest cash grab you've ever seen. You have been warned. You're welcome


Exact copy of "Magic Tower Hero" which they just abandoned. You're wasting your money if you spend on this game, they'll just do the same here after a few months.


This game is a clone of a different game that has a large following. Devs have ghosted the community and are deleting everything in Pixel Quest's discord questioning them about this game. THIS IS A SCAM GAME. DO NOT GIVE THIS DEV TEAM ANY OF YOUR P2W MONEY.


Cash grab, after making enough money they'll make a dupe game and stop updating the previous, p2w garbage.


This game is an identical clone to the game "magic tower hero" by same dev under new name. Look it up. They ghosted old game and then won't respond in this new game's discord why they abandoned and re-released the same game. Do not trust these devs and do not spend money. This game has no future.