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【图】Halla – Group Voice Chat Rooms(截图1)【图】Halla – Group Voice Chat Rooms(截图2)【图】Halla – Group Voice Chat Rooms(截图3)


Welcome to Halla!

Halla is a social group voice chat room application. we are focused to ensure our users no matter whether female or male, have a healthy & secure & safe social group voice chat room environment. From now, the Halla group voice chat room has grown and offered users a better way to fit into the modern social lifestyle in group voice chat rooms online.

Halla – Free Voice Chat Room

You can have free, high-quality and stable voice chat through the Internet.

Halla – Free Online party

Here we have various online parties, rooms of topics in birthday party, wedding party, war drum game and so on.

Halla – Free share moment

Share your daily life and feelings about yourself with your friends, record your shine moment.

Halla – Free one on one chat

Make new friends & mates, stay connected with your new friends with voice and text.

Our founded goal is to make sure our users won’t meet creepy people while using the Halla group voice chat room, one of the most critical purposes is to maintain an open & secure social chat room environment to make our users always could communicate with a truly & natural person.

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Do you want to make yourself popular and get more video likes for free? Then you have come to the right place.Go 🚀 & Get⬇ NOW! Grow your video likes and be famous!💯TikFollowers for Video Likes & Views & Followers is a secret tool that makes your videos get more hearts and likes & viewsIt will make your posts more discoverable in For You and help to transform your profile into a social media success, all by making your pics and videos more discoverable. Professional Video Editor makes your videos more colorful and popular.TikLike helps your lots of powerful and useful hashtags to select and you'll be able to easily increase the discoverability and popularity of your posts and get more likes and followers. The only way to have more likes and more comments in your videos is to be more popular. We will analize your profile and your hashtags to find matching profiles that can be interested in following you.Create beautiful videos and animations for social networks. Instantly become a pro content creator by using our video editor with..
Find a random companion right now.
The application is intended only for adult users!New search engine, using the preferred gender, age. Only users who match your query and whom you match are involved in the search. Therefore, in some cases, the search may take a long time.Added ability to search by geolocation.Now it is possible to block the companion forever! Users are too often blocked, will be blocked by system. So we will try to clear the chat from uninteresting companions.Now available a large number of emoticons and video, audio, photo messages.Now you can save conversations with interesting people for further communication!Screenshots are locked in the application for the confidentiality of the transmitted information.Enjoy your communication in our chat!
IDSApp, 1st mobile app for our community - Idar Darji Samaj (Ids App)
Welcome to idar darji samaj. Mobile app.It is our great pleasure to launch 1st mobile app 'ids app' for our community.This app contains daily birthday, monthly b'day details,telephone directory, address book, news , death details and many moreTo make this app better, your suggestion will be highly appreciated.You can write your suggestion on or
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5分でOB訪問・就職相談の相手が見つかる!学生と社会人のマッチングアプリ。人気企業の先輩が多数登録。出身大学でないOB・OGでもOK!企業からのオファーが来ることも!●OBトークとは?OBトークは学生と社会人の簡単マッチングサービスです。スマホで簡単にOB訪問・就職相談の相手が見つかります。もちろん同じ大学出身でないOB・OGでもOK!●OBトークの特徴「簡単OB訪問」学生/社会人ともに気になる人に声をかけるだけ。メッセージでOB訪問の日程調整をしましょう。「選択式メッセージで簡単トーク」初回のメッセージは選択式で、文章に悩むことなくトークを開始できます。「気軽に質問」知りたいことがあればtwitterのようにつぶやくだけ。コメントがもらえるので簡単な内容なら実際に会わなくても解決します。「有名企業勤務の社会人」有名企業勤務の社会人がたくさんいます。会社や仕事についてホンネを聞いてみましょう。「社会人の評判がわかるので安心・安全」学生から社会人に対するコメントを見ることができます。安心してメッセージ、OB訪問ができます。「就活友達がみつかる」就活についての相談や情報交換、息抜きに雑談などができる就活友達を見つけることができます。学生同士のトークも楽しみましょう。「企業からのオファー」OBトークを利用している企業や社会人からスカウト、オファーが来ることもあります!そのまま内定につながることも・・!?●OBトークの使い方1.まずは自分のプロフィールを登録2.トークしたい学生/社会人をさがしましょう3.気になる相手が見つかったらトーク開始!●安心安全の取り組み・社会人は本人、所属確認書類の提出が必須です。・SNSに許可のない投稿は行いません。・振る舞いが良くないユーザにはイエローカードを付与します。・悪質ユーザはアカウント停止します。・メッセージのNGワードチェックを行っています。・ユーザからの通報内容の確認と調査を行っています。●OBトークが選ばれる理由・簡単操作ですぐに就活相談ができる・出身大学や学年関係なくOB訪問ができる・人気企業/有名企業勤務の先輩が多数登録・エントリーシート(ES)の添削をしてもらえる・会うまでもないことであれば、つぶやきやトークで解決できる・業界・企業の本音が聞ける・イニシャルで投稿できる・社会人の評判がわかるので安心・安全・企業や社会人からオファーがくる・就活友達が見つけられる●こんな人にオススメ・志望企業に出身校の先輩がいない・興味のある業界や職種の社員の本音が聞きたい・行きたい業界・職種のOBがいない・周りに気軽に相談できる人がいない・他のOB訪問アプリではなかなかマッチングできない・大学経由のOB訪問が面倒・電話でアポを取るのが嫌・自己分析のやり方を教えて欲しい・企業研究・業界研究を詳しくやりたい・エントリーシート(ES)を添削して欲しい・面接の練習をしたい・志望企業を見つけたい・自分がやりたい仕事が分からない・インターンの相談にのってほしい・どのように就職活動をすればよいか分からない・OB訪問する前にOBの人となりを知りたい・会わずに質問したい・志望理由の「人」の根拠をOB訪問としたい・リクルーターに遭遇したい・コネを作りたい・ミスマッチを防ぎたい・まだ就職活動を何もしてない・就活が不安・後輩に指導してあげたい・就活仲間、友達が欲しい●してはいけない使い方・誹謗、中傷、性的な内容を含むトークやプロフィールへの投稿・勧誘を目的としたトーク・個人情報の掲載これらに反した場合、アカウント削除の対象になります。●OB訪問時の禁止事項・就活相談以外を目的とした面談・自宅、カラオケルームなどの個室での面談・夜9時以降の待ち合わせ・面談時の飲酒●注意事項・OBトークを退会すると、全ての情報が消去されます。・一部機能(検索機能の強化等)は有料となります。・OBトークでは書き込み内容のチェックを行っており、利用規約に反する内容は削除する場合があります。・有料プラン(プレミアム会員)は1か月ごとの自動継続課金をご用意しております。・プレミアム会員になると、毎月60ポイントが付与される他、検索機能の強化、インターン募集の制限解除、学生同士のトークリクエストが送れるようになる等、便利な機能が利用できるようになります。●料金プレミアム会員(1か月): 5,900円(税込)●利用規約●プライバシーポリシー●不具合報告
MORE is a social app with massive videos, images, opinions and tribes
MORE is a social app with massive videos, images, opinions and tribes, where you can post your personal blogs, share funny moments, chat and make friends.What is a tribe? Tribes are the communities in MORE where topics or ideas are arranged. A tribe is also a group of people with the same interest. Through tribes, you will browse a constant, personalised feed of content like news headlines, fun stories, football talk, top memes and videos. Sending a post to the tribe will allow you to share moments & ideas with friends. How it works?- Start from joining tribes and go from there- Browse what other people are posting and talking about- Find and set connections with like-minded people, or even find your favourite team’s fan club! - Try to post and express yourself- If post unique ideas and create wonderful distractions to others, then you will have a chance being an influencer!Here are some reasons you should download it.- Stay tuned to football news, live score, match details, transfer news, professional stats- Entertainment gossips- Relationship quotes- Find people and souls..
Kheti is a supply chain management platform from DV Excellus. is a platform that provides tailored and comprehensive services to farmers and the agricultural community. Farmers can easily unleash these easy-to-use services through app.
Status Saver - An App to save status & story of WhatsApp which are seen by you.
Welcome to status saver app. We are providing facility to save WhatsApp status and story in to your mobile gallery with no extra efforts. in this application we provide easy user interface.We provide distinguish status and stories updated on daily bases.It becomes too much easy to save story, status of your friends, relatives.we are help to save status which are seen by you.

How to use Status Saver App.1) Open WhatsAppStatusView someone’s status(make sure that you can only view status of person, if He/She have your number in their contact list, and status is share publicly).2) Open Status Saver application (you’ll find all status, story which are seen by you).3) Open it and save it.Features- Save Status , Repost / Share Status , Delete Status.- Easy & Fast Saving Status.- Zoomable ImageViewer and Video Player.- Easy User Interface.We provide best features for getting status images and story videos of others.this app contains facility to remove unused status images, video stories.Download status images and video stories with just one tap using this Status Saver application. Status Saver app contains Dark theme with..
PK Connect mobile App will help you connect directly with Prashant Kishor
PK Connect mobile application will help you connect directly with Prashant Kishor to start a conversation, and you can actively participate in all his campaigns.PK Connect will ensure your participation in the active politics of Bihar and your contribution to building a better Bihar.PK connect will bring you regular updates about Prashant Kishor and his activities, and will help you meet like-minded people with whom you can connect to participate in various social media tasks.This app will directly connect with Prashant Kishor on a video call and let you send your message. PK Connect will help you to share the problems of your locality, suggestions or opinions on different topics with Prashant Kishor.PK connect will give you an opportunity to win many attractive rewards daily, all you have to do is to complete the task and earn points and strengthen your position on the district and state leaderboards.You can add friends and family members via referral and earn even more points.Download PK Connect App today from the google play store and take your first step in building a better Bihar.
SIF One App
SIF App (New) is the New Mobile Application that would help Men & Families suffering because of Gender Biased Laws to connect to Save Indian Family via various means.Save Indian Family Movement is a Movement which has spread across the World Map with our presence in both India and Abroad to help the victims in distress and to help them live their lives with basic human touch & rights. Save Indian Family and it's allied groups run free Weekly Meetings across multiple Locations. Email :,
You can easily save all Social Media Videos & Photos in One Click.
All in One Status Saver Application is used to store all kind of social Media Videos and Photos.It helps you to save videos from *Mx TakaTak*Moj *Josh*Chingari*Mitron*Snack Video*ShareChat*Facebook*Instagram*TikTok*Twitter* Likee etc.You can also easily save Whatsapp Status and story.(You can also Share Videos and Photos your friends and Loved once easily in app Gallery option)How to Download All in One Status SaverSocial Media Videos & Photos?1.You Just have to copy your video link and paste it in the All in One Status Saver- Social Media Videos & Photos app simply.2.You also share video link in All in One Status SaverSocial Media Videos & Photos for download Videos and photos.3.At the you have to click download button and download will be start.Features:* Fast and free all video downloader* Free save whatsapp status & stories.* Easily download video Social Media platform* Browse video and photos in app gallery.* No limit to Download videos and photos.Note:* Use All in One Status SaverSocial Media Videos & Photos indicate you agree that you will not use it for copyright infringement or forgery.*Thanks for choosing this app
Chat with friends all over the world
Welcome to Halla!Halla is a social group voice chat room application. we are focused to ensure our users no matter whether female or male, have a healthy & secure & safe social group voice chat room environment. From now, the Halla group voice chat room has grown and offered users a better way to fit into the modern social lifestyle in group voice chat rooms online.Halla – Free Voice Chat RoomYou can have free, high-quality and stable voice chat through the Internet.HallaFree Online partyHere we have various online parties, rooms of topics in birthday party, wedding party, war drum game and so on.HallaFree share momentShare your daily life and feelings about yourself with your friends, record your shine moment. HallaFree one on one chatMake new friends & mates, stay connected with your new friends with voice and text. Our founded goal is to make sure our users won't meet creepy people while using the Halla group voice chat room, one of the most critical purposes is to maintain an open & secure social chat room environment to make our users..


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