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【图】Şatıl: Personel & Okul Servisi(截图1)【图】Şatıl: Personel & Okul Servisi(截图2)【图】Şatıl: Personel & Okul Servisi(截图3)


With Şatil, you can use the service much easier and hassle-free.

Şatıl aims to easily manage the service you use separately as departure and return.
It avoids the confusion of “who is using the shuttle this morning”, “who is not driving in the evening”, “who is getting on where”.

• Share live location
With the chalet; When you get on the service, you can share your location as the live location of the service or you can ask the shuttle driver to share a live location via “Şatıl”.

• Follow who will come to the service and who will not
If you will not be at the service or if you will be a little late for the service, let everyone know with one click.
You can also follow the attendance or delay of others instantly.

• Are you not going to use the shuttle service because you are on vacation for a while?
You can select and save the dates that you will not participate in the service as a block. Thus, your attendance status is tracked effortlessly.

• See who’s riding where
You can easily see the boarding points of the participants on the map. Thus, the service does not deviate from its route, and no one stays on the road.

• The service passed without me, no more trouble!
If you are going to take the shuttle but you are a little late; You can report this instantly and have the shuttle wait for a while at your boarding point.

• Has someone new joined the service?
Share the specially created code for each service with the new participant on the chart. By using this code, he can easily join the service by choosing the boarding point and time on Şatıl. You can ensure that the new driver is included in a possible driver change in this way.

• Be notified of changes instantly!
If the start time of the service, your boarding location or boarding time has changed, you will receive a notification from Şatil.

• Did you want to message with the service members?
For this; You can use the messaging module that hosts the service as a group on the chart.
(Still, we do our best so that you don’t need constant messaging 🙂 )

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With Şatil, you can use the service much easier and hassle-free.Şatıl aims to easily manage the service you use separately as departure and return.It avoids the confusion of “who is using the shuttle this morning”, “who is not driving in the evening”, “who is getting on where”.• Share live locationWith the chalet; When you get on the service, you can share your location as the live location of the service or you can ask the shuttle driver to share a live location via "Şatıl".• Follow who will come to the service and who will notIf you will not be at the service or if you will be a little late for the service, let everyone know with one click.You can also follow the attendance or delay of others instantly.• Are you not going to use the shuttle service because you are on vacation for a while?You can select and save the dates that you will not participate in the service as a block. Thus, your attendance status is tracked effortlessly.• See who's riding whereYou can easily see the boarding points..


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