

【图】닥터로그 (Dr. Logs)(截图1)【图】닥터로그 (Dr. Logs)(截图2)【图】닥터로그 (Dr. Logs)(截图3)


닥터로그는 SNS 기반 실시간 의료정보 수집/공유 플랫폼으로 대형병원에서 쏟아지는 상황별 의료 미디어 데이터들을 SNS 형태로 수집하며, 의료현장의 특수성에 맞게 데이터 수집과 관리체계를 편리하게 구성하였습니다. 나아가 각 미디어에 적용할 수 있는 인공지능 모델들을 버튼 하나로 적용할 수 있게 개발, 배치하고있으며 디보 자체개발 인공지능 API 부터 제3자 인공지능 API까지 탑재할 수 있습니다.

deevo.gait 인공지능 기능부는 2021년 교육부 한국연구재단의 재원으로 진행된 경상국립대학교 대학 창의적 자산 실용화 지원(BRIDGE+)사업의 지원 성과물임.

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For all your health needs
The Sanford Health App is a convenient way to manage your health information in one place. The app includes integrated access to My Sanford Chart, and a variety of solutions which are free to use and available 24/7.Easy-to-use features include:• Find a doctor and view patient satisfaction ratings• Find a location near you, and get directions• View acute/urgent care wait times• View your medical records• Access test results• Schedule appointments and receive reminders• Schedule a virtual visit• Securely message your doctor• Request prescription renewals or refills• Pay your bill*Access to your medical records requires you to have a My Sanford Chart account. You can create a My Sanford Chart account by selecting Sign-Up Online at:
Our app provides a convenient, comprehensive way to manage health in one place.
Convenient. Modern. All about you. It’s the healthcare experience you deserve. Spend less time managing your health, and more time staying healthy. By giving you transparency into your own health records, access to a doctor when you need it, integration of your wearable devices, and so much more, b.well makes managing health and insurance simple. We’re putting YOU in control.
Stay pregnant is an application designed by fertility specialists.
Quédate embarazada es una aplicación gratuita para móviles, diseñada por especialistas en fertilidad de la clínica Ginefiv, para ayudar a maximizar las probabilidades de éxito de todas aquellas parejas que están buscando un embarazo por medios naturales.A través de un sencillo calendario, Quédate embarazada contribuye a aportar la ayuda necesaria para que una pareja pueda lograr tener un hijo, ofreciéndole consejos prácticos y estimando sus días más fértiles en función de unos parámetros de medición.Quédate embarazada solicita en primer lugar un registro de toda aquella información útil sobre la pareja desde el punto de vista de la fertilidad: peso, edad, hábitos de vida, duración del ciclo menstrual, frecuencia de las relaciones sexuales…Toda esta información se empleará, por un lado, para adaptar la aplicación al perfil de la mujer y permitirle llevar un control detallado de sus ciclos. Y por otro, para ofrecerle consejos prácticos que, en función de sus características, puedan ayudarle a lograr el embarazo.Una vez elaborado el perfil de la pareja, la aplicación funciona como un diario que permite estimar los días de mayor fertilidad, o lo que..
Serving Wholeheartedly and Being Able to Provide Excellent Service
RSUD dr. Darsono Kab. Pacitan is a hospital owned by the Regional Government of Pacitan Regency as a community health service center.RSUD dr. Darsono Kab. Pacitan always improves by making several improvements in the field of medical services, facilities, and management, so that it is expected to provide satisfaction in health services for the community.VISION:The realization of the Regional General Hospital dr. Darsono is Quality, Professional, and Reliable in Health Services in Pacitan District in 2021.MISSION:1. Improve quality and professional health services by prioritizing patient safety2. Realizing efficient, transparent and accountable financial management3. Improving the quality of resources and performance of government officials
Saluto (Doctors, Medicines and Pharmacies)
Tired of looking for your medications or pharmacies on duty throughout the city?Don't worry, we have come to solve your problems, because Saluto before StoryPharm has been developed for pharmacy owners and for the general public.Saluto For pharmacy owners:It allows you to register and manage your parent pharmacy and branches; register information such as promotions, health tips, etc. and also quote the orders that your customers need.¨ With this you can be closer to your customers¨For the general public:It allows you to view the pharmacies on duty in our SalutoMap through the use of geolocation; see promotions, health tips, etc. from your local pharmacies; quote the drug you need and buy the listed drug. Best of all, you won't have to leave your home because your purchase is delivered to your home.STORYPHARM is now SALUTO
Fissios reduces the probability of suffering respiratory complications
By performing respiratory physiotherapy exercises and following a series of basic recommendations before surgery, the aim is to reduce the possibility of suffering postoperative respiratory complications.In the postoperative period, Fissios will encourage you to continue performing respiratory physiotherapy exercises and to comply with the recommendations, all with the aim of reducing the risk of postoperative complications and shortening the time of hospitalization.Scientifically endorsed content: Fissios is an application created by physicians and physiotherapists. All the information is based on guaranteed scientific knowledge.Personalize Fissios: Give your application a personal character, enter your name and the date of your surgery. It will remind you how many days are left for the surgery and the exercises you must perform.Use it anywhere and at any time: Once Fissios is installed on your device, you can use it without the need of an Internet connection.Pre-operative and postoperative advice: Basic information and easy tips that will reinforce the breathing exercises to prepare you better for your surgery.Respiratory physiotherapy exercises: 10 exercises, explained with text and images that will guide you to perform efficient breathing efficiently.
Do you work in a nursery, playgroup or school care?
Do you work at a nursery, playgroup or after-school care and do you want to know what to do if several children suffer from diarrhea and/or vomiting? Do you know what impetigo looks like? The KIDDI app provides answers to these and many other questions about hygiene and infectious diseases. The app contains the following components:- Infectious diseases ABC: short explanation per infectious disease.- Hygiene: information and instructions on hygiene.- When to report: information about when you must report which infectious disease to the GGD.- Health: information about health in childcare centers.- Contact: contact details of GGDs in the Netherlands.- Search: Search in the app. The content of this app is based on the RIVM-LCHV Hygiene Guideline for daycare centers (kdv), playgroups (psz) and out-of-school care (bso).Website: kiddi@rivm.nlPrivacy policy:
His new reference to package inserts for consultation and information on medicines.
ProDoctor Medicamentos is a free, complete and constantly updated application to consult package inserts and information on reference, generic and similar drugs available on the market.Simply and quickly, search for information about medicines, find out which ones are of reference, find generics and the like, and much more.Our application has a comprehensive database, which has all drugs approved by ANVISA and constantly updated with reviews carried out regularly by our excellent pharmaceutical team.Intelligent, the application directs the content according to the user's profile: Health professionals and registered students have exclusive access to the professional's package insert, are able to request reviews, can add drugs to a favorites list, all in a simple and practical way.We also periodically publish news from the pharmaceutical area in our application to keep our users always informed.We update the ProDoctor Medicamentos app whenever possible to make it faster and more reliable for you.AVAILABLE RESOURCES:• Intelligent Search: allows the user to search for medicines through:- Name- Active principle- Pharmacological Group- Therapeutic Indication- Laboratory• Categorization: identifies drugs according to their typology: Reference, Generic and Similar;• Pharmaceutical equivalence:..
MIMS Mobile - Essential Support Tools for Clinical Practice!
MIMS MobileEssential Tools Support Clinical Practice!FREE Class Application for Mobile Phones & Tablets provide prescription information, medical news and CME articles and the index formula medically necessary for clinical practice needs daily doctor.With technology platform and device diversity, MIMS can help you find the necessary clinical information and the latest ease and convenience, any time, any place.Download the FREE app and create MIMS FREE account today!Forum Highlights:Information medicinephysicians can improve treatment outcomes in patients using safe and effective prescription each time. MIMS provides concise drug information and prescribing information for detailed format quickly accessible by mobile devices.As medical indexClass is equipped with the tools of critical index of medicine, is very useful for health professionals in clinical practice. Enter data quickly with the combination of clinical recommendations clear and immediate.News & CMEUpdated medical information throughout Asia anytime, anywhere via the publication known as the Medical Tribune, JPOG, Oncology Tribune and other publications.Class Videos SeriesIntroduction of video interviews with leading medical experts in many different fields, the focus is the treatment of choice, methods of disease management, the latest news updates..
"醫指付是由大洸醫院管理顧問股份有限公司所提供的醫療費用行動支付平台,我們以行動裝置APP作為核心,專注開發更簡易、更安全的醫療費用支付服務,讓您或您的親友透過手機或平板等行動裝置即可輕鬆的完成繳付醫療費用。為提供使用者一個安心交易的支付環境,醫指付在資料傳輸上全程採用SSL(Secure Sockets Layer)安全協定,並使用AES(Advanced Encryption Standard)加密標準,以強化資料傳輸之安全性。我們更採用AWS(Amazon Web Services)解決方案,其解決方案符合支付卡產業資料安全標準(PCI-DSS)保障每筆交易,PCI-DSS(The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard)是五家國際支付卡品牌(VISA、MasterCard、 JCB、AMEX與Discover)基於為支付卡產業保障持卡人資料安全所共同建置的全球統一規範,為保障其他持卡人的資料安全,繼而針對安全管理、政策、程序與方式、網路配置與軟體設計等多方需求,所訂定之資料安全標準。使用者只要下載「醫指付」APP,在看診後輸入自己或親友的資料,APP會顯示「應繳醫療費用金額」,再選擇「確定繳費」,即可直接至藥局拿藥,不論是門診、急診、住院費用都可支付。不用帶現金,不必到醫院批價櫃檯排隊,透過醫指付遠端刷卡操作繳費一指輕鬆搞定醫療大小事!"
SNS-based real-time medical information collection/sharing platform
닥터로그는 SNS 기반 실시간 의료정보 수집/공유 플랫폼으로 대형병원에서 쏟아지는 상황별 의료 미디어 데이터들을 SNS 형태로 수집하며, 의료현장의 특수성에 맞게 데이터 수집과 관리체계를 편리하게 구성하였습니다. 나아가 각 미디어에 적용할 수 있는 인공지능 모델들을 버튼 하나로 적용할 수 있게 개발, 배치하고있으며 디보 자체개발 인공지능 API 부터 제3자 인공지능 API까지 탑재할 수 있습니다.deevo.gait 인공지능 기능부는 2021년 교육부 한국연구재단의 재원으로 진행된 경상국립대학교 대학 창의적 자산 실용화 지원(BRIDGE+)사업의 지원 성과물임.


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