

- Corretto bug riguardate il caricamento della firma
- Corretto bug rigurdante la stampa delle immersioni
- Corretti bug minori riguardanti la stampa delle immersioni

Logbook Immersioni App SCREENSHOT

【图】Logbook Immersioni(截图1)【图】Logbook Immersioni(截图2)【图】Logbook Immersioni(截图3)

Logbook Immersioni App DESCRIPTION

Ora puoi salvare le immersioni sul nostro logbook digitale. Lascia a casa fogli e penne, compila la tua immersione direttamente sul tuo smartphone.
Inserisci la tua firma e il tuo timbro e convalida le immersioni dei tuoi compagni.
Stampa le immersioni già compilate e firmate per avere il documento cartaceo.
I formati per la stampa solo quelli delle schede FIPSAS.

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With Our App you can export list as PDF, Lock Task, Add Quick Task and Much More
Now organize your tasks with our ultmate todo list app.It is always better to list and organize things before doing it, and our app made it so simple to do it.See how:1.You can add a task with only one click with our quick task feature.2.You don't need to write always, just simply press mic icon and say and the task will be stored.3.You can group task in separate category to search them easily.4.You can export list as PDF for sharing and later use.5.You can lock the confedential task or note within app with password.6.You can add task in batch mode.7.You can clear list time to time.What make ultimate todo list unique from others:1.Export your list as PDF.2.Lock yout todo item with password.3.Add task in batch mode.4.Easily add quick task.and much more yet to comeAbout Us• We at techpurush make apps to make life easier.• Reach us on our website:• Our Privacy Policy:• Contact Us:
Plant diary gardening assistant helps you efficiently track your plants needs 🌻
🍒 Grobase is a plant diary you will never need a pen and paper with again. Grow your plants with ease and efficiency of a professional gardener, be your own garden manager. Plant those small meaningful seeds, track their growth and grow your garden into beautiful plants you will proudly show off to friends and family. 💫 Easy-to-use plant growing and gardening companion app for all plant growers out there, regardless of whether you are a beginner or an experienced commercial plant grower. Click and grow plants, splendid looking leafy flowers, house plants, fruits, vegetables and more. Watch your garden treasures grow with Grobase photo and video monitoring. Became a seasoned plant grower – make your garden the envy of all neighbors. 🌿 Let Grobase be your trusted gardening companion through its user-friendly interface that helps you follow your plants growth. Plant care and nutrition tracker is provided through Grobase nutrient calculator, which also keeps record of plants nutrient inventory. Grobase multi fasted platform fits each plant grower’s specific needs and helps you develop from a single garden to multiple..
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Kaltara ASN Attendance System
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Render your 3D models in the surrounding environment with augmented reality.
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In NAF Member you will find NAF's services, discounts and membership benefits.
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An counter/tally app for counting anything with unlimited number.
With this tally counter you can keep tracks of anything countable.Features:★ Up to 10 multi counter (s) (Unlimited for Pro version)★ Auto save multi counter (s) on exit (remembers counts on next start)★ Manually save multi counter (s) data★ View count / tally counter statistics★ Share count / tally counter statistics★ Unlimited value count (you can cap max/min manually)★ Weighted count (instead of +1 per tap)★ Weighted count can be a decimal★ Assign color to a counter★ -1 and reset button for a counter★ Customized reset to other number instead of 0★ Customized layout / set multiple columns for multi counter (s)★ Bigger screen can have more columns★ Portrait/landscape compatible (Pro version)About ACCESS/PERMISSIONS:Multi Tally Counter needs FILE ACCESS/PERMISSION for manual file save feature (manual means: the saving activity is operated by user), and Multi Tally Counter needs NETWORK ACCESS/PERMISSION mainly for tracking bugs and errors with Google Analytics if there's any.We do not collect any data and/or upload any file from your phone.Multi Tally Counter is a pure counting app with some cool features added.Multi Tally Counter is the ultimate..
Register your dives online, print them and validate those of your classmates
Ora puoi salvare le immersioni sul nostro logbook digitale. Lascia a casa fogli e penne, compila la tua immersione direttamente sul tuo smartphone. Inserisci la tua firma e il tuo timbro e convalida le immersioni dei tuoi compagni. Stampa le immersioni già compilate e firmate per avere il documento cartaceo.I formati per la stampa solo quelli delle schede FIPSAS.

Logbook Immersioni App DOWNLOAD

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